Foodland – Online Food Ordering and Takeaway Service with React Native


The screens we developed with Nativewind (the version of Tailwindcss developed for React Native) keep you away from the clutter. With the Redux structure that everyone can understand, you minimize the cost of state management and provide high performance. You do not compromise on high performance by using Memoization methods in API integration.

Available Screens

– User Login
– Onboarding
– Home
– Home Active Order
– Restaurant
– Product Detail
– Basket
– Address Information
– Complete Payment
– Search
– Search Result
– Location (Only Image)
– Location Select Restaurant
– Saved Products
– Saved Restaurants
– Profile
– Addresses
– Add Address
– Past Orders
– Past Order Detail
– Order Rating

– Payment Methods
– Add New Payment Method
– Discount Coupons
– Account Settings
– Live Support
– Help
– Help Detail
– Settings
– Logout
– Evaluate Panel
The font we use: Poppins
Images we use: Freepik

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